Grobnik is a geographically, historically and naturally very interesting area, and provides visitors many features.If you want to explore how Grobnik cheese is made, how the Frankopan Castle resisted the attacks of the Turks, which way the old milkmaids travelled, and much more, then the Grobnik area (Grobnišćina) will be happy to greet you and enrich you with unforgettable experiences.

The charm of it all is that most of the features are accessible by bike and the trails offer beautiful views and enjoyment in the flora and fauna of the area

  • total length of the trails:63.50 km
  • view of the sea
  • 5:40 hrs ride
  • enjoying nature
  • refreshment and accommodation
  • the possibility of a multi-day stay in nature

You can find out about the trails in two ways:

  • There is a map that you can pick up in our tourist office
  • By using the mobile app that contains the bike trails of the Rijeka Ring: Bike Rijeka for Android and iPhone

Bike Rijeka is a joint project by the tourist boards of the Rijeka Ring (Rijeka, Kastav, Klana, Viškovo, Jelenje, Čavle, Kostrena and Bakar) that includes 40 trails in this area. –